Kindly Holding Ourselves Accountable
Kelsey Catherwood Kelsey Catherwood

Kindly Holding Ourselves Accountable

We live in a world where pushing ourselves to the brink often earns praise. Hard work, perseverance, and a "tough it out" mentality are lauded as hallmarks of success. But where does self-compassion fit into this equation? And more critically, does being kind to ourselves mean we're giving ourselves a free pass?

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The Architectural Soul: Their Ceiling is Your Floor
Kelsey Catherwood Kelsey Catherwood

The Architectural Soul: Their Ceiling is Your Floor

In the heart of every individual, there lies a house, rooms filled with memories, emotions, and echoes of relationships that have significantly shaped our existence. This house, while uniquely ours, is built upon architectural designs passed down through generations. One of the most profound aspects of this design is the notion that the ceilings our predecessors faced often become the floors on which we stand. But what does this mean for our growth, our potential, and our psychological architecture?

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The Echoes of Childhood: Understanding Parentification and Its Impact in Adulthood
Kelsey Catherwood Kelsey Catherwood

The Echoes of Childhood: Understanding Parentification and Its Impact in Adulthood

The experiences we endure in childhood form the bedrock of our emotional development, often echoing into our adult lives in ways we might not readily recognize. One such subtle yet significant phenomenon is parentification, a dynamic where a child assumes adult-like roles within the family, often catering to their parents' emotional or physical needs. This role-reversal can lead to a unique set of challenges in adulthood. Here, we delve into understanding the signs of parentification and how they manifest in adult behavior and emotional patterns.

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Navigating Your Inner World: A Guide to IFS Journaling
Kelsey Catherwood Kelsey Catherwood

Navigating Your Inner World: A Guide to IFS Journaling

In the vast landscape of our inner world, there are countless facets waiting to be explored. Just like a complex puzzle, our psyche is comprised of various parts, each with its unique characteristics, emotions, and experiences. Understanding and connecting with these inner parts is at the heart of Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy. A powerful tool for embarking on this journey of self-discovery is journaling.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the art of IFS journaling, a transformative practice that allows you to explore your inner self. Whether you're already familiar with IFS therapy or just beginning your path of self-exploration, this guide will help you use the power of journaling to connect with your inner parts, cultivate self-compassion, and pave the way for healing.

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Healing by Feeling: Leaning Into Discomfort
Kelsey Catherwood Kelsey Catherwood

Healing by Feeling: Leaning Into Discomfort

The process of healing often entails confronting emotions that were once tucked away for self-preservation. These emotions—difficulties, grief, discomfort, and shame—lie at the heart of our experiences, intricately woven into our stories. To heal is to invite active engagement with these emotions, and therapy provides a safe space to navigate this intricate terrain.

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Be Afraid. Do it Anyways.
Kelsey Catherwood Kelsey Catherwood

Be Afraid. Do it Anyways.

In many moments of life, fear often creeps in, lurking behind decisions and opportunities like a shadow. It's the unseen force that can hold us back, convincing us that it's safer to stay within our comfort zones. But what if we told you that fear, in its own unique way, could be an ally? What if, instead of waiting for fear to subside, you embraced it and harnessed its power to drive your healing journey?

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Feminist Therapy: What it is and Why it’s Important
Kelsey Catherwood Kelsey Catherwood

Feminist Therapy: What it is and Why it’s Important

In the realm of psychotherapy, as in many professional fields, biases—both implicit and explicit—can often wield a substantial influence. While the landscape of mental health treatment has evolved over the years, certain biases have persisted, particularly in the conceptualization of mental well-being. This article delves into the impact of these biases on the field of psychotherapy, focusing on the significance of adopting a feminist lens to address them.

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People Pleasing and Codependency: Understanding the Connection
Kelsey Catherwood Kelsey Catherwood

People Pleasing and Codependency: Understanding the Connection

In the intricate dance of relationships, we sometimes find ourselves tangled in a web of self-sacrifice and emotional enmeshment. A pattern emerges, where our desires and needs become secondary to the validation and approval of others. This dynamic is what experts refer to as "codependency," and it often goes hand in hand with the common struggle of people pleasing.

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What is EMDR?
EMDR, Modalities, Therapy Kelsey Catherwood EMDR, Modalities, Therapy Kelsey Catherwood

What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) has emerged as a powerful and effective method for healing trauma, reducing distressing symptoms, and fostering personal growth. In this blog post, we will explore the fundamentals of EMDR therapy, its benefits, and how it can support individuals on their journey towards healing and resilience.

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How to Find the Right Therapist for You.

How to Find the Right Therapist for You.

The key to unlocking successful treatment lies in the relationship you build with your therapist – it's the vital thread that weaves the tapestry of successful treatment. Beyond any specific intervention, training, or therapeutic approach, the foundation of trust and warmth between you and your therapist becomes the ultimate catalyst for healing.

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