Be Afraid. Do it Anyways.

In many moments of life, fear often creeps in, lurking behind decisions and opportunities like a shadow. It's the unseen force that can hold us back, convincing us that it's safer to stay within our comfort zones. But what if I told you that fear, in its own unique way, could be an ally? What if, instead of waiting for fear to subside, you embraced it and harnessed its power to drive your healing journey?

Embracing Fear's Guidance

Fear is a familiar friend – a feeling we've all experienced. Imagine it as a caution sign that appears in our minds, urging us to slow down and take a closer look. Just as a warning sign alerts us to be careful on the road, fear is there to remind us to tread thoughtfully on the complex journey of healing, but it is by no means a stop sign.

On the path of exploring our emotions and confronting past hurts, fear becomes a companion, offering its guidance; sometimes it urges us to slow down, to turn around, and sometimes we must choose to keep moving forward, even while afraid. Fear stands by, making sure that we navigate the terrain cautiously. It's not an obstacle but a signpost, guiding us to the places that need healing the most. 

By acknowledging fear's presence and its role as a cautious guide, we honor the complexity of our own experiences. It's like giving a nod of recognition to the parts of our story that have been challenging and require our attention.

The Power of Courage 

But here's the thing: courage is far more powerful than fear. Courage means doing it anyways, even when fear is present—an addition to, not a replacement of fear. Like a song that plays inside us, asking us to take a step even when things are hard. And that's what we're offering in our counseling space – a chance to listen to that song of courage.

Courage helps us to embrace discomfort, to confront challenges, and to venture into the unknown. It's the melody of resilience that plays softly but persistently, asking you to trust in your own capabilities. It's the song of growth, inviting you to take action even when the path seems impossible.

And this is precisely what my counseling space offers – an opportunity to tune into that song of courage.

Growing Through Challenges

Imagine your healing journey like a puzzle. Some pieces are about feeling vulnerable, while others show your strength. When fear shows up, see it as a chance to show how strong you are. Every time you choose to be open and face difficult things, you're being brave. You're showing that fear doesn't control you. 

As you go through your healing journey, remember that courage is always with you. It's there when you decide to come to counseling, when you talk about your feelings, and when you address old wounds. Every time you show your true self, you're using your courage.

Courage and fear are dancing with one another always. Fear might start the music, but you're the one leading. Courage joins in, helping you move forward. You have the power to change the tune and guide your journey.


Fear might whisper caution, but your courage answers with action.

Kelsey Catherwood

Kelsey is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate and a Licensed Recreational Therapist. She specializes in treating trauma, attachment wounds, perfectionism, people-pleasing, and well-siblings. Learn more about her here.

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