Bespoke trauma-informed counseling for overwhelmed adults in Winston-Salem, NC.

Helping you find peace & nurture self compassion

Sound familiar?

You would never speak to others the way you speak to yourself

You long for deeper connections and understanding.

Self-doubt engulfs you, making it difficult to trust yourself.

You feel stuck in the past

Others would say you’re successful, but you’re dissatisfied.

You are self-aware, but you don’t connect with your emotions.

You are exhausted.

Kelsey Catherwood

Owner & Psychotherapist

Kelsey is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate and a Licensed Recreational Therapist. She specializes in treating trauma, attachment wounds, perfectionism, people-pleasing, and well-siblings.


Schedule a free 15-minute consultation

Fill out the form below to get in touch


In-person in Winston-Salem and virtual across North Carolina

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